Mike Woodin - Working with Republicans, Democrats and Independents

My name is Mike Woodin and I’m running for PA Senate’s 9th district, representing parts of Chester County and Delaware County.

I had an interesting experience this weekend while knocking doors, where the first question a person asked me was what party I was registered with.

As soon as I answered, she waved me away dismissively.

For a second I was caught off guard… and then I asked if I could share why I’m running for PA Senate and what I stand for.

Before I tell you how that story ended, I want to say that I know it can be tempting to put each other in categories and draw conclusions before we’ve gotten to know each other.

I am convinced there are concerted efforts to divide us, to make us assume things about people we have never even talked to.

I want to challenge that.

Whether you’re Republican or Democrat, gay or straight, religious or non-religious, black or white, Eagles or Cowboys fan, or whatever other categories get pitted against each other … we can work together.

My family, my workplace, my community is made up of all the above and I’m better off because of it.

I am not interested in scoring political points.

I am interested in solving problems.

I am not interested in narratives that divide people.

I am interested in finding common ground.

It’s time to bring dignity and humanity to matters that never should’ve become political in the first place.

But we can only do this by talking to each other, finding out what matters to each other, and maybe – just maybe – learning we have more in common than we’ve been led to believe.

How did the story of the lady end?

We had a meaningful conversation. She even promised to share our conversation and my information with her network. I don’t know if I earned her vote, but I earned a valuable reminder about the power of engaging instead of making assumptions.

For that I am grateful.

This is what I’ll bring to Harrisburg.

about mike woodin
Woodin for PA Senate Supporting Pennsylvania Communities

It is important to me that you know what I stand for. It’s equally important that I can hear your concerns and advocate for you.

U.S. Election
November 5th

Get out and vote!